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Language Partner 



I signed up to volunteer for the Language Partners program at my university which matches current students with international students in the Intensive English Program (IEP). As a language partner, my role is to meet weekly with my assigned partners to have English conversations aimed at improving their language skills.

I was matched with two IEP students from Japan who wanted to improve their conversational English abilities. The programs expectations was to hold meeting for at least one hour per week, submit session records, and using provided materials cover conversation structures and topics to discuss with our partners. 

My goals were to connect cross-culturally with different people while helping them strengthen their English abilities and pushing my own comfort zone. I felt a mix of eagerness and anxiety about sustaining an hour-long dialogue every week. However, I looked forward to meeting and getting to know someone from a different background than my own.


So What


This exchange pushed me out of my comfort zone as someone who can be shy meeting people from different cultures. I worried about awkward silences or struggling to find things to discuss during the full hour. I also didn't initially grasp how free-flowing conversation could build language skills as effectively as structured topics.  


However, my partners put me at ease quickly with their warm, eager approach. Rather than defaulting to small talk, we dove into sharing cultural experiences—me growing up in Ethiopia and them in Japan. I taught them some Amharic phrases while they introduced me to Japanese words. We traded insights on everything from favorite foods to social norms, laughing as we navigated our differences in perspective. 


For example, I explained how it's customary for Ethiopians to be more animated and loud in expression, which contrasted to their polite reserved communication style. We learned from each other as I became more thoughtful in patience while their confidence speaking English grew through storytelling. Tracking their growth and our bonding revealed how openly exchanging cultural discoveries fosters connection and language advancement simultaneously.


Now more comfortable befriending those from diverse backgrounds, this experience built empathy and illustrated how seeking shared wisdom can bridge divides. I aim to lean into that moving forward.


Now What


This experience showed me the value of pushing past discomfort to foster meaningful cross-cultural connections while I still can locally. However, the semester concluded, and they have returned to Japan after making plans to stay in touch. Moving forward, I aim to continue seeking out intercultural exchanges on campus and globally by getting involved rather than just staying within familiar communities. I hope to travel the world one day, and this experience has made me better equipped to be immersed in new environments, exemplifying the growth possible when stepping outside comfort zones. I gained the motivation and confidence to expand my worldview through meeting new people from different backgrounds. On a personal level, I intend to maintain my friendships with them and maybe one day visit Japan. This experience illustrated the value of open-mindedness to bridge-building across divides. As I reflect, I feel grateful for the chance to have expanded my cultural understandings and connections in the time we had. This will shape my approach to seeking further diverse friendships ahead.

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